Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Program
Operating in Beaufort, Jasper, and Hampton Counties (SC)
Our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile© provides free dental exams and preventive treatments to under-served school children (ages 3 to 11) in Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton Counties in South Carolina.
Many of these children have never seen a dentist before their first Ronald McDonald Care Mobile© visit. With tooth decay reported as the most chronic childhood disease today in the United States, the impact we are making on the overall health of these children is invaluable. Each year, over 2,700 children are seeing a dentist because of our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Program©. Since the debut of our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile© Program in 2002, school officials have reported a decline in absences due to dental-related problems.
We are so grateful to those who support our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile© Program!
Interested in more information about this program?
Contact Bill Sorochak at (912) 350-7641 ext. 304 or