Stories from our Families
“Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.” ― Ben Okri
The Murkison Family
Our experience with the Savannah Ronald McDonald House© began in early December 2011, when our entire family was involved in a car accident outside of Savannah while we were visiting relatives for the weekend. Both our children were admitted to Memorial PICU, though thankfully after only one day our older son Ben moved to a regular room out of critical care… (Read More)
The Armitage Family
After struggling with infertility, the Armitage family finally heard the news they had been waiting for – “you’re pregnant!”. But wait! They soon found out that they were not having one or two or even three babies, but FOUR babies… (Read More)
The Barrett Family
In March 2019, after multiple unsuccessful attempts to conceive, Jacquie and Michael were blessed with the discovery that Jacquie was pregnant. In late July, while Michael was at work, Jacquie was home making her routine preparations for work when her water broke prematurely… (Read More)
The Koch-Gilbert Family
How quickly things turn… she started getting sick again, and even though she was healthy it turned into severe pre-eclampsia and developed into HELLP syndrome, a life-threatening pregnancy complication usually considered to be a variant of preeclampsia. We immediately went to the emergency room and the next morning, at only 24 weeks into her pregnancy, my wife gave birth to our daughter, Blake… (Read More)
The Reed Family
My baby, Akeem, was born at 24 weeks and 4 days, weighing only 1 pound and 4 ounces. I went into labor early, having to undergo an emergency c-section, because I had severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome, both of which can cause premature labor…(Read More)
The Holston Family
My family utilized the Ronald McDonald House of the Coastal Empire over several months while my daughter was hospitalized. The Ronald McDonald House and their volunteers provided a source of comfort and relief. It was truly “a home away from home”…(Read More)
The Jacome Family
Kira was diagnosed on December 3, 2020. She has b-ALL, which is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It has been a very rough and hard year for us, emotionally and physically. She has had three ports, which have been very hard to access and keep. She has been allergic to the chemo, ports, and medicine, with very bad reactions to all of them…(Read More)
The White Family
My family’s story with this pregnancy began on August 31st, the day we found out we were pregnant, how far along we were, and that we finally had our girl. This is also the day that everything changed and went full speed…(Read More)